“If you want to fly in the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward, you need to let go the past that drags you down”
We all have that inner voice that keeps telling us, we aren’t living our full potential.
And we could get so much more done, we could achieve so much more, yet, we are afraid to take the necessary steps to do what we believe we are truly capable of.
We need to be aware that we can’t build our new life on top of things that don’t serve us anymore.
In order to begin the process of self transformation, we must do a lot of inner work to identify what must go and what must stay.
Then we need to cut the umbilical cord with what doesn’t serve us anymore and never look back.
It’s over. It’s done. There’s a void there now, but it’s okay. That’s what is needed.
Its not easy, but its not impossible.
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